How To Burn The VCD / SVCD  (Use Nero for example) use the nero burner for example.

if the Wise DVD Creator Build-in VCD burner not support your CD-Writer or DVD Writer,Please read it

Launch Nero.Close the Wizard. Select File->New.
1. Select VideoCD
2. Select PAL or NTSC depending what format your source MPEG is in.
3. And hit New.

1. Locate your .mpg and drag it(see picture below). Remember that you can add several .mpgs also, each mpg will be a own track on the VCD and you can add data files also, just drag them to any folder.

2. Check the time. It should be the same as in the movie.
3. Rename the CD to anything you like by clicking F2 on NEW.
4. Select File->Write CD.


1. Select Write speed, lower may work better if you get problem playing the VCD. Select Disc at once and Finalize CD.
2. Hit Write.
